Daybreak 2008 Movie

Daybreak (Filipino: Bukang-liwayway, English: dawn, twilight) is a 2008 Philippine gay indie film written by Charliebebs Gohetia and directed by the Manila-based Filipino director Adolfo Borinaga Alix, Jr. who also directed other indie films such as Donsol, Kadin and Batanes: Sa Dulo Ng Walang Hanggan. The movie features only two characters, Paolo Rivero (as William) and Coco Martin (as JP) who are both Filipino actors.

Daybreak 2008 Movie

The film is homosexual in terms of theme but was rated R-18 uncut, regardless of its nudity features by the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) in the Philippines as most of the members of the board were impressed by the cinematography and intelligence of the film. Daybreak had its exclusive screenings on February 13 and 14, 2008 at the University of the Philippines Cine Adarna (formerly UP Film Institute). The movie was officially released and aired in major Philippine cinemas from February 20 to March 11, 2008. Daybreak is produced by Bicycle Productions.

Daybreak 2008

A married man is having an affair with another man. After some time apart, the two men spend a night together in a family vacation home in Tagaytay, Cavite. Together in such close quarters, the two are left with nothing to do but to confront the realities of their relationship.

Daybreak 2008 Movie

The movie opens with William (Paolo Rivero), a doctor, driving up to Tagaytay City to meet his secret lover JP (Coco Martin), a handsome young fellow in his mid-twenties. While driving, William had been engaged in a cell phone conversation with his wife, who was asking when he will return home. William made up an alibi saying that he has an unexpected appointment in Tagaytay and will probably be back in Manila the next day.

On the other hand, JP was waiting in a public viewing park of the Taal Volcano to join William in his Tagaytay escapade. JP is a local boatman and tour guide in Taal, Batangas and William’s secret lover for a year now. Although it was not specifically reiterated in the movie, listening to their dialogue, one will learn that the two men obviously met during one of William and his wife’s visits to Taal Volcano. If William has a wife, JP has a girlfriend.

Daybreak 2008 Movie

The two did not see each other for two months partly because William is very busy being a Makati physician and partly because he is a family man. JP, on the other hand, had spent two months secretly waiting for William while keeping himself busy with his boating job and his girlfriend. Deep inside, the two lovers missed each other.

Daybreak 2008 Movie

When they reach the rest house, William cooks pasta and they eat and drink wine together. It is to be, however, the last night that the two lovers will be together as William is scheduled to leave for Australia. William wants to call it quits but doesn't know how to break the news to JP, who is already emotionally attached to him although they really didn't have an agreement that they are indeed a couple.

The tension starts when William tells JP that he's leaving the country. Several scenes and dialogue lead up to the climax as JP is reluctant to accept the fact that it was the end of their relationship. The two men had spent the night talking about their past including happy and unforgettable memories while browsing their pictures.

The night has been a beautiful night. Their intimacy is renewed and they make love as pleasurable as ever. But as the daybreak comes, William remains firm to his decision, leaving for Australia and ending his relationship with JP.

Daybreak 2008 Movie

The movie ends as William is driving back to Manila again and JP, alone in the nocturnal Tagaytay rest house, is numbed to the truth that their relationship is doomed in just one night.



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